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CRiB 2019 – The Current Entry

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Some of the key events for Curry Rivel in Bloom (CRiB), starting from after the South West in Bloom 2018 Judging; Gina Beauchamp, CRiB Chair and her faithful Band of Brothers(mainly Sisters) actually set about preparing the 2019 entry immediately after the 2018 judging; it's a 12 month process. Click on a link to take you the relevant article, the 'CRiB 2018' page is laid out in chronological order, this page has the latest CRiB article on 'top'.

July 2019
CRiB RHS Judging Day 29th July 2019
CRiB Wows RHS Judges... We Hope? -24th July 2019
Curry Rivel in Bloom – what you can do – 21st July 2019
CRiB July Jottings – 1st July 2019

June 2019
Mindless Vandalism of CRiB Bus Shelter Planter – 17th June 2019
Open Gardens 2019 Photos 17th June 2019
The New Planter Gets Some Colour – 17th June 2019)
Madelaine's Rose Garden June 2019
Open Gardens 9th June 2019
Planting at Madelaine's Memorial Garden – 3rd June 2019

May 2019
Planting Up New Planters May 2019
CRiB Quiz & Ploughman's Supper May 25th 2019
Granny's Garden Strimmed and Trimmed – May 2019

April 2019
Open Gardens Date Set for June – April 2019
More April 2019 Colour – April 2019
CRiB Allotment Update April 2019
Spring Bulbs By Granny's Garden April 2019
Thieves Target CRiB Planters – April 2019

March 2019
CRiB Spring Plant Sale – Mar 2019
Spring in the Churchyard Mar 2019
Spring Colour in Curry Rivel – Mar 2019
Open Gardens Returns To Curry Rivel
CRiB Spring Plant Sale – Mar 2019
Southwest in Bloom Spring Seminar 2019
Curry Rivel GB Spring Clean 30th & 31st March 2019

November-January 2018
Curry Rivel Make RHS Shortlist – Jan 2019
Volunteers Need To Plant Bulbs At War Memorial – Nov 2018
Poppy Trail For Remembrance Sunday – Nov 2018

September-October 2018
Madelaine King-Oakley 5th Oct 1949 -- 31st Oct 2018 'A life that touches others goes on forever......'
Curry Rivel in Broom... Halloween Party – Oct 2018
CRiB Wins RHS Gold, Cox Cup, Sargent Trophy & Michael McGahey Trophy – Oct 2018
CRiB Moves to bring back Open Gardens – Sep 2018
CRiB Taps Wessex Water for £300 – Sep 2018

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