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Apply for a Grant

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If your organisation is based in Curry Rivel, or is beneficial to a significant number of Curry Rivel residents, then you may be able to apply for a parish council grant.

How to apply:

1. Read the policy to make sure you are eligible to apply.
2. Complete the Grant application form and return it to the Parish Clerk at
(If you are not sure how to complete any section the clerk will be happy to advise)

How the application is assessed

1. The clerk will check the form and ask for any additional information or supporting documents required.
2. Once everything is received the application will be added to a Council Agenda.
3. You will be invited to attend the meeting to answer any questions Councillors may have.

After a brief discussion between Councillors they will vote whether to approve the grant. Occasionally, an application may be deferred to the next meeting if more information is needed.

The marking form will be completed by the clerk to provide a record of the decision.

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