Curry Rivel Parish Council wishes to correctly represent the view of people living in the parish, so we created a questionnaire. The questionnaire ran to the end of 2023, so we have now closed it and have analysed the results.
27 people responded, 14 on the Curry Rivel website, and 13 on paper copies at a few events in the village. This is only about 1% of the parish population, but enough to draw some conclusions about what people in the parish think.
There was an optional question asking people for their postcode, so that we could see that there was a good spread of results from the village itself.
A significant majority of respondents said that they follow the activities of the council, and broadly approve of what it does. However, it is probable that such people will have been more likely to respond to the survey.
A little more than half said that they would be prepared to have a bit more on their council tax and for the parish council to do more. No-one said that we should ask for less money.
People in Curry Rivel are concerned about traffic. One thing that might help could be to extend the 20 mph limit that is currently just around the school to a wider area of the village, including part of the A378. Somerset Council has suggested that we ask people in the parish whether they would support a 20 mph zone. If so, to then pay them around £500 for them to investigate the feasibility of such a scheme in the parish. Finally, if the result of that is positive, to pay for the works to make it happen from the parish funds. That would cost in the order of £15,000, which would need us to increase the parish component of the council tax by around a quarter (about 30p a week for one year).
67% said "yes", and 33% "no". No-one responded "don't know". This is a debate that will continue!
Most people added some general comments, with many naming speeding through the village as a concern.
Thank your for letting us know what you think.
You can download a report with the link below.
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