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St Andrew's Church

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St. Andrew'sforms, together with the Parishes of St. Martin's in Fivehead and St. Catherine's in Swell, a 'United Benefice' within the Ivelchester Deanery.

St. Andrew's has a loudspeaker & loop system installed for those with difficulty in hearing. Wheelchair access is via the North door, at the 'back' of the church – follow the path along the west side of the church. Large print hymn books are available. If transport is a problem, lifts to and from church can be arranged.

As a church family we welcome Christians of other denominations and none, as well as seekers and visitors. We aim to grow in personal relationship with God, through his Son Jesus Christ, and in supportive relationships with each other. We value prayer and Bible study, seek God's spiritual gifts and his courage in sharing the gospel with others.

St Andrew : Church Green, Centre of the village, up Church Street past the local CofE Junior school, Curry Rivel, Somerset, TA10 0HQ
Rector: UNTIL 28th July 2024 Rev Scott Patterson; from that date the post will be vacant ufn.
However, from 1st July 2024,for practical reasons, Curate Rev Mark will already be responsible for the provision of spiritual oversight in the 3 parishes in the benefice. He is also the point of contact for enquiries regarding general St. Andrew's church matters and for weddings, baptisms and funerals. Rev Mark can be contacted via St. Andrew's Church Office on 01458 251375 or 07471556366 or e-mail For enquiries, the Churchwarden, Mrs Tina Geary, can also be contacted: on 07936 380994 or e-mail


This parish takes the wellbeing and safety of the children and vulnerable adults that attend our church very seriously. If you wish to raise a safeguarding concern, please contact either the St. Andrew's Church Office on 01458 251375, or Mrs Jo Greatwich our safeguarding officer by phone on 07905 669880 or by e-mail at Alternatively you can contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team on 01749 685135 and find more information on their website:

Family history research

All our parish registers, except those currently in use, are held at the South West Heritage Trust, part of Somerset Heritage Centre, Brunel Way, Norton Fitzwarren, Taunton TA2 6SF. It concerns:

  • Burial details from 1606 – 1983
  • Baptism details 1628 – 1956
  • Marriage details from 1642 – 1972

For enquiries, ring 01823 278805. The office is open to the public, but it is advisable to book in advance if any documents are required for your research.

If you wish to find the locatoin of an ancestor's grave in the churchyard, we can make the plan of the churchyard and lists of burials available. Please contact the PCC Secretary Mr John de Ronde (01458 – 251355 or e-mail
The PCC hopes that you can make a donation to church funds for this service.

Times of Church Services

These are published in the Curry Rivel News and the Fivehead & Swell Community Matters magazine, along with any changes to the regular pattern of worship and special services, e.g. for the Lent / Easter season and Christmas season. The Curry Rivel village website calendar also carries the times of services that occur in Curry Rivel. Also have a look at the official St. Andrew's entry on the CofE website.

When the Rector (or Curate) is away on holiday, there will only be one United Benefice service on a Sunday, at 10.00 am; the venue will vary, but will be published as indicated above.

Specific Activities

Bible Study

  • From time to time study groups, including the Lent course, take place as advertised in the e-mail 'Round-up' messages. If you wish to receive these e-mails, please contact the St. Andrew's Church Office on 01458 251375 or Rev Mark (see above).


Prayer for the Benefice – On Wednesday mornings, each week, there is a gathering for prayer from about 9.15 – 9.45 am, via zoom. If you wish to join, please contact the St. Andrew's Church Office on 01458 251375 or e-mail Rev Mark on This prayer gathering is for the specific purpose of praying for the Benefice, its villages, its churches and people, and for the churches' outreach and mission amongst the community. Please dip in and out as busy lives allow. You would be most welcome.

Christianity Explored – a 7-week ecumenical course exploring the building blocks of Biblical Christianity, suitable for both churchgoers and non-churchgoers. See church notice boards and local press for dates of a course. If you are interested in the Christian Faith and the course, please contact the St. Andrew's Church Office on 01458 251375.

World Day of Prayer – we take part in World Day of Prayer, each year on the first Friday in March. The venue of this event rotates among the churches in the Benefice, including the United Reformed Church (in Curry Rivel) and the Baptist Hall (in Fivehead).

Care of St. Andrew's Church

The care of the church is in the hands of willing volunteers. If you could spare some time to help with:

  • general cleaning – contact Mrs Nicky Barker on 01458 252429
  • brass cleaning – contact Mrs Lynne Comley on 01458 251078
  • keeping the churchyard tidy – contact Mr John de Ronde on 01458 251355.

Flowers in St. Andrew's

St. Andrew's Flower Guild is a group of ladies who are enthusiastic flower arrangers, who make themselves responsible for the weekly flower arrangements in the church, on a rota basis. The Guild also decorates the church with special arrangements on specific occasions including for weddings (if contacted in due time). There are some members who have had formal training and who are always willing to give advice and support.
To find out more, contact Mrs Adrienne Holmes on 01458 252710

Church Music

The Choir

A four part, traditional Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) choir has been a feature in St. Andrew's Church for a very long time. It leads the music and singing at the morning service and other times as needed. A wide and varied repertoire includes anthems & choral works. Various concerts are performed during the year.
Choir Practice: Thursdays 7.00 – 8.00 pm in the Old School Room.

The Music Group

Anyone who plays any kind of musical instrument reasonably well is welcome to join. Formed primarily to accompany any Benefice-wide service and the Christmas 'Carols on the Green' in Curry Rivel, it also features in concerts and 'Songs of Praise' services.
Rehearsals are by arrangement, depending on engagements.
To register your interest, contact Mr Patrick Rendell on 01458 253856.

Bell Ringing – St. Andrew's Guild of Change Ringers

Founded in 1898, the ringers ring for services and weddings (if booked in advance). Practice is every Wednesday from 7.30 – 9.00 pm.
The team is well equipped and keen to teach this rewarding skill. Just climb the tower on practice night to find a warm welcome in the ringing room.
For more details, contact Mr Patrick Rendell on 01458 253856.

St. Andrew's and the Wider Community

For a list of services and events consult the St Andrew's CofE entry on the Curry Rivel village website calendar.

Messy Church

st andrews messy church

This is a different form of church that offers a chance to explore the Christian faith in informal, creative ways – church but not as you may know it! Messy Church is for all ages, but children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. You can expect a drink, various crafts and games to choose from, a Christian message usually in the form of a story or drama, plus songs and a meal.
Entry is free, with donations on the day very welcome.
Meetings are on a Saturday afternoon from 15.30 – 17.30, in the Old School Room ('behind' the Church) and usually on a monthly basis, but do verify the Diary on the Church pages of the Curry Rivel News and the village website calendar.
Check out the Messy Church Curry Rivel facebook page for more info or call/message Helen Saich 07880706517. Messy Church is sponsored and supported by local Christian churches.

Craft & Coffee

This takes place on the 2nd Tuesdays in the month, from 10.00 am -12 noon in the Old School Room ('behind' the church). During these gatherings people can bring their craft work to share their knowledge and expertise with others. Or, if craft is not your thing, then do come along for an informal chat, with homemade cakes and refreshments available. Contact: Jackie de Ronde on 01458 251355.

The Out and About Group

This group aims to attract people who have recently moved into Curry Rivel, or who are newly retired, new mums or anyone who wishes to expand their social network. Meetings are on the 4th Wednesday of each month and do not take place in a hall or someone's house, but held 'out and about'; they include walking, visits to places of interest, followed by a lunch.
Contact: Claire Anderson on 07887377942 or Wendy Graves on 01458 252355.

Social Events

2016 07 02   st andrew 39 s fete on the green

Several social activities take place among the church family, to which everyone in the village is most warmly welcome. They are organised on an ad-hoc basis and advertised in the Curry Rivel News or via e-mail 'Round-up' messages to the church famliy.

Data Protection

You can view and download two documents:
1. Data Protection Policy of 10 July 2018 issued by the Parochial Church Council (PCC) of St. Andrew's Church, Curry Rivel
2. Data Protection Notice of St Andrew's PCC dated 10 July 2018

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