How often do you/members of household travel to destinations within Curry Rivel?
How do you typically travel between your home and destinations within Curry Rivel Parish?
If you drive/are driven to destinations within Curry Rivel what are the main reasons?
How often do you/members of household travel between Curry Rivel and Langport/Huish Episcopi? (Choose)
How do you typically travel between Curry Rivel and Langport/Huish Episcopi?
Have you ever walked or cycled to Langport/Huish Episcopi from Curry Rivel Parish?
If you typically drive or are driven to destinations within Langport/Huish Episcopi what are the main purposes?
During the last 18 months, do you feel that you have walked and cycled more in the local area than you did before?
How many adults 18 or over live in your household?
How many children under 18 are there in your household?
How many cars do you and others in your household have access to?
How many bicycles do you and others in your household have access to?
In Curry Rivel Parish, do you have any specific highway safety concerns?
Between Curry Rivel and Langport/Huish Episcopi do you have any specific highway safety concerns?
Home Postcode
Contact tel.
Are you considering ways to reduce your households carbon footprint?
Do you think that changing transport habits will be part of the measures you might adopt to achieve?
Other comments and suggestions?
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