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Curry Rivel Parish Council Councillors

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The Parish Council meet on the first Wednesday of the month, with some exceptions. Forward dates, agenda and minutes are here.

To contact the Parish Council office
Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer, Elaine Owen:, Tel. 07534 318840
Office hours are Monday 2pm to 5.30pm, Tuesday 10-5.30pm, Wednesday 10-1pm Thursday 10-1pm
To post something to the parish council please email the clerk for the correspondence address.

To contact a Parish Councillor
Information about councillors is below, including their areas of expertise, interests and topics they have opted to be responsible for.

To contact your Somerset Council Councillor
Scroll down to find their contact details

marcus hembrow
Marcus Hembrow
Chair from 12 May 2022

My family have farmed at Portfield Farm for over 100 years, where I was brought up and where I returned in 2017. I trained as a Chartered Surveyor and have worked extensively in Property Development principally in PLC House Building as a Director for land and planning matters. I now manage a private portfolio of property and development interests in the SW.

My Council aims are:

  • Localism, more powers devolved from the new Somerset Council
  • Promotion of a Parish Design Guide to protect the area's character
  • Promote better design, enhanced sustainability and greater use of our local Lias stone
  • Create opportunities for those shops and businesses once prevalent to return.

I am a lifelong follower of Somerset Cricket best described as joyful and deeply frustrating in equal measure(!!!), I follow rugby and cricket having retired from playing and enjoy golf and country pursuits. I live on the eastern Edge of the Parish and am looking to serve the interests of Wick, Portfield, Portway and Westover.

Responsibilities: Lead Councillor for Car Park, Allotments, Trees and Curry Rivel in Bloom. Joint lead councillor for Planning. Member of HR committee, Active Travel Working Group and Communications Working Group.

Tel: 07920 765940 Email:

Terry Mounter
Vice Chair

I was educated at Curry Rivel Primary and Huish's grammar school, and have lived in the village all my life. I am now semi-retired. For 16 years I represented Curry Rivel as District Councillor and as Chairman of the Parish Council. I am interested in rights of way and planning with ensuring that Curry Rivel does not become a target for high density housing development.

Responsibilities: Lead Councillor for Public Rights of Way and Joint Lead Councillor for Planning. Member of the Active Travel Working Group.

Tel: 01458 251857 Email:

Matt Geen mugshot
Matt Geen
Parish Councillor

I have lived with my wife in Curry Rivel since 2011. I am a Chartered Engineer, specialising in systems engineering. I am a director of both my own consultancy company, and a sonar company in France. I have worked as a school teacher, was a carer for my first wife before she died of a progressive illness, and am the proud father of two children. Curry Rivel is a better place to be than many, and I relish the chance to help to keep it that way. I enjoy playing music on various instruments. I keep fit by running round the many wonderful village footpaths.

Responsibilities: Lead Councillor for Flood and the Parish Plan. Responsibility (with Cllr Pearson) for Biodiversity Duty. Link councillor for Curry Woods Trust and The Old School Room. Chair of HR Committee and Member of the Active Travel Working Group and Communication Working Group.


Portratit icon
Claire Anderson
Parish Councillor

I have lived and worked in the village since 2014 and joined the parish council because I wanted to make a difference to the people of Curry Rivel. I believe that the village has a lot of potential I wanted to support the many activities that take place within it and that are making our lives better.

Responsibilities: Link Councillor for the Village Hall

Ele Cerri
Ele Cerri
Parish Councillor

I relocated to Somerset nearly 7 years ago, driven by the desire to provide a nurturing environment for my family. My active involvement in the community, both as a working parent and an engaged citizen, has provided me with a perspective on the joys and challenges our families and children face.

My roles as a dedicated member of the school's PTA, village hall committee and being part of the Coronation committee have allowed me to witness the transformational power of community collaboration and the importance of fostering a sense of togetherness.

I am deeply committed to preserving the spirit and well-being of our village whilst helping support fun events for all to attend, promoting inclusivity, and contributing to the continued growth and prosperity of our cherished village.


David Greene
Dave Greene
Parish Councillor

I am the Lead Councillor for Police liaison and this role enables me to help the residents of our village with various issues that they may encounter. I am also a member of the Westfield group which is responsible for driving forward future improvements to this important area.

I have enjoyed a varied career which has been very much people orientated and included serving as a police officer and managing a project in Yeovil supporting vulnerable young people. I was elected Councillor for almost 20 years at Town, District and County levels before moving here in 2017 with my wife Marcie. May main hobby is walking and photographing our local landscapes and wildlife.

It was my wish to become a Parish Councillor so that I might give something back to the community that gives so much to me.

Responsibilities: Lead Councillor for Police, Member of the Cemetery Working Group, HR Committee and Communications Working Group. Also manages the parish council noticeboard.

Tel: 07971 475065 or email

Phobe Hall 2024
Phoebe Hall
Parish Councillor

To Follow

Email: to follow

colin thornton
Colin Thornton
Parish Councillor

My wife and I moved from Worcestershire to Curry Rivel in 2022 . We were made welcome and very much enjoy living in this beautiful part of Somerset and being part of such an active community. I spent all of my career in the motor finance industry with the last 20 years as a Director of the UK's largest leasing business. I enjoy being outside, walking, running or cycling or simply appreciating the Somerset countryside. I hope to play my part in improving and protecting the environment within Curry Rivel and delivering positive change for the Parish.

Responsibilities: Lead Councillor for Highways (including volunteer liaison), Link councillor for PCC and Cricket Club and liaison with Food Bank. Chair of Cemetery Working Group and Member of the Active Travel Working Group


Somerset Council Councillors

Richard Wilkins
Richard Wilkins
Somerset Councillor

I have lived in Curry Rivel for 10 years with my partner Kate and her family. I was born in Somerset and spent my childhood working on the family smallholding and sheep farm in Stoke St. Gregory. I returned to the area after completing my undergraduate degree in furniture design at Buckinghamshire university. having worked in the aerospace industry as a operations manager and then shipping, I currently work driving a lorry for a house removal company. I volunteer on the Curry Rivel News committee as publisher and often contribute to the Children's page in the publication. I enjoy cycling and walking.

Phone: 01458 252779
Mobile: 07988 718106

mike stanton
Mike Stanton
Somerset Councillor

I’ve represented this Council Division together with Richard since May 2022. I live in South Petherton with my wife Jan, & previously represented Burrow Hill Ward on South Somerset District Council. I’m from Bristol. I worked until I was 74 as a management consultant on people, leadership and human behavioural issues. Before that I was a Personnel Manager then Communications Manager at Rolls-Royce Aero Engines. My degree from Keele University is in Politics, Sociology, Computer Science and German. I have two children, two stepchildren & eight grandchildren. On the council I am Chair of the Somerset Rivers Authority, which handles flood prevention.

Phone: 01460 241077
Mobile: 07802 472160

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