If you want to update the details for your group, or if your group isn't listed, click here.
Contact: Scott Patterson
01458 251375
St. Andrew's forms, together with the parishes of St. Martins in Fivehead and St. Catherine's in Swell, a United Benefice. The church has a loudspeaker & loop system installed together with wheelchair access. Large print hymn books and Communion service books are available and lifts to and from church can be arranged. The times and types of church services are published in the Curry Rivel News, the Fivehead News and in the calendar on the Curry Rivel website. For families there are also fortnightly "All Age Family Services" and on the alternate weeks, a Sunday School (Sunday Club). As a church family we are engaged in a host of regular activities – please see the website link. All are most welcome.
more info >
Contact: Tim Richards
01458 252799
We are an inclusive, outward looking community and wherever you are on your life/spiritual journey we welcome you without regard to age, gender, denominational background, sexual orientation, race or ability. Tea/coffee is served after every service providing the opportunity to meet and chat with each other and the preacher. Secretary is Robert Crowley 01458 259434. We also have a monthly Sunday School – please contact Tim Richards or Robert Crowley for details.
more info >
01458 250655
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URC Chapel Schoolroom
01458 259434
'Click' on highlighted 'United Reform Church (URC)' to link to URC Chapel Schoolroom Info.
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07789 661288
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Contact: Lyndsey Ainsworth
01458 251953
07786 252602
The 1st Curry Rivel and Drayton Brownies is aimed at girls aged 7-11 years and provides the opportunity to make new friends and enjoy new experiences in a safe environment. Our evenings are always fun and activities can include playing games, singing, arts and crafts, drama and the chance to earn badges in a huge number of areas. Interesting speakers from the local community visit and give talks, we go out for walks locally, we take trips out to go bowling, to the pantomime, as well as going away on our annual pack holiday. Our activities are also topical and we focus on special days or events such as Remembrance Sunday, the Olympics, St. George's Day, Guy Fawkes Night, the centenary of Roald Dahl's birth, to name but a few. Meet Thursdays 4.00-6.30pm in the Village Hall.
Contact: Karen Petheram
01823 698940
07773 627857
The 1st Curry Rivel Rainbow Guides is for girls aged 5-7 years. It offers fun and challenging activities to help girls discover and develop new skills both indoors and outdoors. Our aims are divided into four areas: Love, Learn, Laugh and Look, while caring for the individual. We have various themes such as getting healthy, festivals, round-the-world and seasons. Rainbow Chat enables girls to make their own decisions through a self-governing decision-making process.
Contact: Libby Hanley
07826 772525
Dragonflies Dance provides classes for children and adults in the villages of North Curry, Fivehead, Hatch Beauchamp and Curry Rivel. Classes available in ballet, modern theatre, jazz, tap and acrobatics. Students may take dance exams with the RAD and ISTD or take part in shows, festivals and competitions.
We meet in the Curry Rivel Village Hall for ballet and tap.
The classes are Mondays 4.45-8.00pm
Fridays 4.45-8.15pm
Saturdays 9 am-1.30pm
Contact: Annie or Morgan
Contact: Annie or Morgan on the above email.
We are a youth group that provides different activities including 2 weekly sessions on Tuesdays 6.30-8.30pm for yr 8 and above. Fridays 4pm to 6pm for year 7 and above. The first Saturday of the month is the Super Saturday Club 11.00am-1.00pm for ages 9-13 years followed by a games afternoon of Warhammer/ DnD. 1.30-4.30pm, open age, all held at The Ridgway Hall, Langport. We are open all year round and provide extra fun & stuff in the holidays including trips, residentials and community projects. We welcome children and young people from surrounding villages. The best place to keep an eye on us is via our Group Facebook page. If you have any queries -- no matter how small -- please get in touch and we will try and answer them
Charity No: 1172450 tel:1172450
Supported by
Huish Episcopi Parish Council
Langport Town Council
and our lovely community!
Contact: Kim Tulloch
07713 014559
We are a local Dance school offering RAD syllabus ballet classes with a fully qualified and experienced Royal Academy of Dance Registered Teacher. We also run ISTD modern and tap classes, also with a qualified ISTD teacher. Children can enter for annual exams in each genre, we do regular showcases/ performances and we have a lot of fun in every class. The focus is on healthy, happy dancers who learn skills in dance and also develop their ability to aim high and achieve success.
Group Scout Leader
07725 058535
A traditional scout group enjoying various activities such as camping, canoeing, hikes and all manner of outdoor pursuits. The Levels Scout Group has a Beaver Colony, a Cub Pack, a Scout Troop and an Explorer Unit for both boys and girls.
The group runs the following sessions:
Beavers (aged 6-8) – Wednesday 5:30-6:45
Cubs (8-10.5) – Tuesday 6:00-7:30
Scouts (10.5-14) – Wednesday 7:00-8:30
Explorers (14-18) – every other Monday 7:00-8:45
Please contact the Group Scout leader for more information.
Contact: Kevin Loe, Chair or Maureen Leary, Secretary
The Heale Lane Allotment Association provides residents in and around Curry Rivel with the opportunity to experience the joy of 'growing your own'. We have 56 plots, all of which are currently occupied. Plots are around 125m2 or 5 poles in "allotment speak". Allotmenters may rent one or two or, in some cases, three plots. In this way we provide for the interest and available time and energy of all our members. Interests are diverse with a wide range of vegetables, fruit and flowers being grown. Recently some members have started looking after chickens and ducks on the site. We are affiliated to the National Allotment Association. The Allotment site is open at all times to members. We hold an annual barbecue on the site and occasional social functions. The management committee meets four times a year including the AGM.
Contact: Laraine Hayes
01458 253126
The Art Group meets every Monday morning 10.00 am to 12.30pm except Bank Holiday Mondays.
We are a friendly group encouraging & supporting each other, no teacher but a shared love of art in all mediums. Come along & meet us, bring your paper & paints with you, be creative, all ages & abilities welcome.
Monday morning 10am – 12.30pm £2 per session includes tea or coffee & biscuits. Contact: Laraine Hayes. Contact Laraine 01458 253126 email: laraine.rae1@gmail.com
Contact: Kern Champion
07732 197030
A fun singing, music and dance class for newborns to 3 years with instruments, scarves, ribbons and props – and adults get to join in too! Babies will love the sensory interaction and toddlers will love the songs and dances. A cuppa and biccies all round afterwards. We meet on Wednesdays 9.45-11.00am in the Chatham Room of the Village Hall. £2.50 for the first child and £1.50 for each subsequent child. Parents are free and there is no need to book in advance. We welcome any new adults and little people to just drop by – a great opportunity to meet other parents. Please contact Kern for more information.
Contact: Patrick Rendell
01458 253856
St Andrew's Guild of Change Ringers Founded in 1898, the ringers ring for services and weddings (if booked in advance). Practice is every Wednesday from 7.30 – 9.00 pm. The team is well equipped and keen to teach this rewarding skill. Just climb the tower on practice night to find a warm welcome in the ringing room.
Contact: Rowan Patterson
01458 251375
We are a group of amateur and published writers who meet every other Tuesday afternoon, 2-4pm, to share our work and challenge ourselves to improve by exploring a variety of ideas, techniques and forms. The venue alternates between members' homes in the local area and ArtTeaZen café in Langport. New members of any level of experience are very welcome.
Please contact Rowan for more information.
Contact: Carol Fishlock
01278 424083
Bridgwater Friends of Cancer Research is a small team of locals whose aim is raise awareness of the work of Cancer Research UK and work hard to raise money to fund research. Our vision is to bring forward the day when all cancers are cured. Our life-saving work would not be possible without the strength of our fundraising and our outstanding people. We run many and varied events throughout the year as part of our fundraising efforts and need people to join us. The time commitment can be as much or as little as you can give and we need people with various skills & backgrounds. Do get in touch – together we will beat cancer sooner!
07977 488084
Operating for c 12 years. Speeds of vehicles in the village, at a number of locations, are observed and recorded., the information advised to the Police . Letters are sent to registered keepers as appropriate. Volunteers are always welcome; the necessary Police training is not onerous. Anyone interested, please contact the Coordinators -details above.
more info >
Contact: Lizzie Hambrow
01458 250311
The Entertainers is a village amateur dramatic group. It produces a pantomime every year during the February half term as well as other performances during the year. All ages are welcome.
Every year, Curry Rivel holds a summer Flower Show in the Village Hall, open to everybody within 5 miles of the village. The schedule of show classes is available in June/July from the Secretary and classes include cookery, craft, flowers, flower arranging, photography and vegetables. There are also children's classes. There are excellent refreshments, a raffle and tombola.
Curry Rivel in Bloom was started in 2016 as part of the Parish Plan. we are a group of gardeners and other talents who want to improve the village by adding planting, improving community involvement and environmental responsibility.
Contact: Tim Donaldson
01458 250863
Curry Rivel Music holds an annual series of concerts in the wonderful setting of St. Andrew's Church, Curry Rivel, near Langport, Somerset, a tradition which has been established for over 35 years. Concerts start at 7.00 pm with an interval with tea, coffee and wine available. Programmes are based on classical repertoire ranging from early music through classical (Bach, Mozart, etc.), to 21st century works, and are always varied and interesting. A wide range of professional artists, ranging from string quartets and wind ensembles to duos and solo recitalists, perform a diverse range of music to suit all tastes.
One aim of Curry Rivel Music is to encourage young musicians, which always pays off handsomely, not just in the quality of the music (which is never less than superb), and the intensity of the performance, but also gives us the chance to see great musicians just before they become really famous: for example, we have hosted several past and future winners of the BBC Young Musician of the Year awards.
For more information, see www.curryrivelmusic.org
01458 252946
A monthly newspaper delivered free to all households in the parish produced by a team of volunteers who endeavour to meet the following objectives:
1) a publication reaching all parishioners, creating an interest in the community and bringing people closer together,
2) a publication that will generate interest and support for the whole range of clubs and societies that are available and so increase the enjoyment of living in Curry Rivel,
3) a publication which you will use to tell us your views and opinions.
The Curry Rivel News Group has also been responsible for the publication of "Curry Rivel a century in photographs" in 2000, the "Curry Rivel Calendar" in 2009 and "Curry Rivel Past and Present" in 2014. The success of these publications and the careful management of our finances have resulted in much of the profit being donated to various village groups and organisations.
If you would like to get involved and have ideas which you think might improve our village newspaper and can spare some time to get involved please get in touch via curryrivelnews@gmail.com
Piano Teacher
01458 250517
07854 413660
Piano Teacher
Contact: Adrienne Holmes
01458 252710
The Flower Guild ensures St. Andrew's Church is decorated with flower arrangements according to season. A friendly and informal group (most of us are self taught, enthusiastic amateurs), we are always pleased to welcome new members, church-goers or otherwise. No previous experience in flower arranging is needed – just a love of flowers and an appreciation of their beauty our lovely church's setting. Help is always available and we hold occasional demonstration workshops. We are often asked to help with special arrangements for weddings and funerals, for which there is a charge. This helps our funds and enables us to hold our annual Flower Festival at the Village Fete in early July. For more information please contact our Secretary, Adrienne Holmes (above) or our Chairman Lyn Cotterill on 01458 252448, lynmcotterill@gmail.com.
Contact: Leslie Higson
01935 849289
Our group meets at a different pub each Saturday morning. After placing our order for lunch, we set off at 10:30 on a 4-5 mile leisurely walk. The social side of meeting and chatting as we walk is almost as important as the walk itself. Members take it in turn to plan and lead walks, and we very much welcome ideas for new walks. You are welcome to join us for as many or as few walks as you wish. Check our website for our current programme.
Contact: Adrienne Holmes
01458 252710
The Memory Café is for anyone with memory problems or who has had a stroke. It meets every Tuesday from 2.30 to 4.30pm at the Curry Rivel Village Hall. Make new friends and meet old ones and enjoy gentle exercise, play games or bingo and enjoy a sing-along. Tea and cakes also provided. For more details, please contact Adrienne Holmes (as above) or Christine Hampton email: clhampton@live.co.uk
Contact: Barry Etheridge
01458 251524
We meet on Fridays in the Village Hall 10.00am-2.00pm and offer a variety of activities both active- and craft-based. Speakers and musical events are on every fortnight. A friendly and interesting day including coffee, tea and biscuits and a home-cooked lunch. All welcome but please ring to pre-book lunch. New volunteers are most welcome – come along and meet us. The Club provides the opportunity to take part in a game of cards, quizzes, bingo, local activities, enjoy the company of others and access information about keeping well and active. Taking place in a café style environment, the group can also offer advice on preventative services and activities for older people. In association with Somerset County Council – Active Living.
01458 25152
Contact: Chris Cox
01458 273085
Our volunteers open Langport Centre, off Cocklemoor Car Park, Monday to Saturday from 10am to 12pm-ish. We have refreshments at low prices, sell donated items, and, most importantly, provide a warm and friendly welcome to all. Many regulars meet up over a drink to make new or meet old friends,
We have a first aid group of volunteers who are fully trained, but nowadays the British Red Cross only provides first aid cover at very large events where the minimum charge is £300 a day and there is no public training at our Centre (not our decision!). The Group Leader runs frequent trips to the Bristol Hippodrome, starting at Curry Rivel Petrol Station. Full details at www.theatretrips.webeden.co.uk or telephone as above.
All income from our activities is donated to The British Red Cross, and it is a condition of us remaining as the only surviving Volunteer Red Cross Centre in the West Country that we raise more income than it costs to keep us functioning. To date we have more than fulfilled this condition, but we depend on the generosity of our volunteers, second-hand item donors, and of course our 'customers' so please drop in next time you are in Langport.
01458 250486
The Langport & Somerton Inner Wheel is part of an international organisation although we function very much on a local level. Our aims are "To promote true friendship, encourage the ideals of personal service and to foster international understanding", through a warm and friendly atmosphere when we meet, talks at our meetings and charity support guided by our club President for each year.
We meet every 2nd Monday of the month for our lunch meeting at Langport Arms and 4th Monday for our relaxed afternoon "cuppa" meeting in a member's home.
Contact: Janet Seaton
07921 461765
We organise a programme of talks and visits, collect local photographs, research aspects of local history and produce publications of local interest. We can also provide guided history walks around Langport.
Our talks usually take place in All Saints' Hall, North Street, Langport on the first Monday of the month, excepting Bank Holidays, when we meet a week later. There are no meetings in July and August.
This year we are experimenting with afternoon meetings in January, February and March. They will start at 3pm, with doors open at 2pm for refreshments. There are evening meetings in October, November, April, May and June.
Evening talks start at 7.30pm, with doors open at 7pm. Talks are free to members. Non-members are very welcome, £4.00 per talk. Our December meeting is a social event, held elsewhere.
Membership costs £16 per annum, payable in September. It includes all talks, newsletters and a copy of Level Talk, our annual compilation of local history articles. Contact us via our website https://langportheritage.org.uk, email info@langportheritage.org.uk, or phone 0792 146 1765.
Contact: Victoria Fransham
01460 281905
Victoria's classes enable you to learn or improve French or Italian in a relaxed, informal and, importantly, fun way. You will learn to read, write and engage in conversation through a variety of activities. The classes take place in Swell on Tuesdays (French) and Thursdays (Italian) during the day in term time. Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced levels are catered for, with three classes on each day. Each class is two hours with a coffee/tea break at "half time". French Advanced Conversation & Literature is also available on Wednesdays. Please contact Victoria for more information.
Contact: Steph Taylor
01963 240794
We are a friendly group of people who enjoy singing choral music in parts. We practise on Tuesday evenings during term time from 7.30 to 9.00 p.m. in the West Street Church Hall in Somerton. If you would like to join us there are no auditions. Just come along one Tuesday evening or contact us.
Since our formation in 1999 we have performed two concerts a year, at Christmas. Under the guidance of our Musical Director, Graham Coatman, we are expanding our repertoire and range of events.
In 2017 we started an annual 'Come and Sing Day' and a Summer Soiree. On 10 November 2018 we are performing a special Armistice concert in Curry Rivel.
As a registered charity we also provide entertainment to people in local care homes and sheltered housing.
Please get in touch for more details.
Contact: Alison Cockrell
01458 250468
See the Curry Rivel website for listings of forthcoming films. The big screen experience, in a village setting, a social and cultural meeting place. Usually the third Friday of the month at 7.30pm. Check the calendar.
Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) is a nationwide, community-based, voluntary organisation, which aims to deter crime, improve security and help any householder in the neighbourhood. The Curry Rivel NHW was formed in 2003, and a group of volunteers now covers various parts of the village. A street/area Representative is in place to help any householder with crime, unwelcome callers and any security matters. Key numbers are: 999 (for emergencies), 101 (for incidents that require non urgent police attention) and 0800 555111 (to report suspicious activity & intelligence matters which can be reported anonymously). We need more road/street representatives & co-ordinators for the Curry Rivel scheme. If you are interested in maintaining this valuable service, please contact the Police Call Centre/ Administrator on 01278 644799 or your local representative. Neighbourhood Watch is about communities who care.
Contact: Hilary Walker
01458 252146
An informal group of ladies who meet once a month, on the fourth Wednesday, often in the Car Park at 10.00 or 10.30am, to literally go "out and about". We hold a planning meeting in February, when members suggest outings or activities and most members take responsibility for organising one of these each year. A few outings are all-day trips but most of our activities are a couple of hours long, often with the option of a pub lunch at the end.
Contact: Jane Redfearn
01458 252813
You would be most welcome to join us at any of our events, meetings or socials, so please if you would like to give Rotary "a go" or you would like further information on Langport and Somerton Rotary Club, or perhaps would like to attend a meeting or two, please ring the number above. We meet on Thursdays at 6.30pm (1st and 3rd Thursdays are usually Dinner & Speaker, 2nd Thursday is our Club Council meeting, 4th and 5th Thursdays – please contact us for details as we are usually at the Langport Arms but may be visiting). The Langport Arms Hotel, Cheapside, Langport, Somerset TA10 9PD Tel: 01458 250530
07717 753322
07717 753322
Rugbytots is a popular childrens playgroup. Introducing girls and boys aged 2 to 7 into the fun world of rugby. Our brilliant coaches team coordination, team play, communication and the great values of rugby.
Contact: Sylvia Goodenough
01458 250091
A club that exists to socialise and share ideas and expertise in gardening. From September to April our meetings involve talks from outside speakers, competitions, seed swaps, plant sales. In December we enjoy a Christmas buffet meal. We hold a very successful Spring Show in Long Sutton Village Hall in March, when members can show off their skills. From May-July we organise garden visits, including a coach trip. Members also benefit from generous discounts at two Garden Centre groups. We welcome new members of any skill level.
Day of week: second Tuesday of month, 7.00 – 9.30pm.
Venue: All Saints' Hall, Langport
Contact: Chris Cox
01458 273085
SADLINTA is the area's Italian twinning association. Licciana Nardi is the administrative centre of a beautiful rural area in the foothills of the Apennines in north-west Tuscany, known as Lunigiana, approximately one hour from Pisa. We meet locally for social events and exchange visits with our Italian friends on a regular basis.. The Italians have a saying "our home is your home", which is certainly true in our experience. It is not essential to speak Italian although many of our members do to varying degrees. Join us to experience warmth and generous hospitality, lots of wonderful food, to practise your linguistic skills, make new friends, and, in turn welcome them to Somerset.
Annette Sparks (Secretary)
01458 258947
A unique and exciting organisation which provides, life-enhancing and life-changing opportunities. We have around 500 members and over 50 interest groups ranging from Art to Walking. Every month, on the 4th Friday, we have a social coffee morning with speakers offering a diverse range of subjects. We welcome anyone from Somerton and the surrounding villages, who is not in full time employment, to come along and see what we have to offer.
Contact: Patrick Rendell
01458 253856
A traditional 4-part choir affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music and singing regularly for the main services and festivals. The repertoire provides a varied programme of anthems throughout the year, occasionally singing in other churches and venues. Each Good Friday the Choir presents a choral work appropriate for passion tide, and the end of July it plays a major part in the "Big Summer Concert" which grows year every year, raising money for one of the church's chosen charities.
Contact: Patrick Rendell
01458 253856
Open to anyone who likes to sing, but perhaps unable to commit a great deal of time to it. There is one practice each month (apart from August and December) on the last Thursday of the month at 7.00pm in the Old School Room. The singers will occasionally sing at United Benefice services and at Christmas event and concerts.
Contact: Tony Potter
01458 251280
07854 243527
2018 marks the centenary of the The Curry Rivel, Drayton & Fivehead branch of the The Royal British Legion. Membership is open to all those who served in the Armed Forces – Regular and Reserve, the Merchant Marine and those people in sympathy with the objectives of the Legion. Membership costs £18.50 per annum. The Branch has a programme of social events for members and non-members to raise money for the two Royal British Legion Homes in Somerset. Events for 2018 are:
- Wednesday 12 September – Inaugural Coffee Morning at 10.00am in the Old School Room.
- Sunday 11 November – Remembrance Lunch in Curry Rivel Village Hall, inviting as our guests those Service personnel & their families who live amongst us.
Events for 2019 include:
Saturday 23 March – Spring Lunch in Fivehead Village Hall
Contact: Mary Mullineux
01458 251057
We are a small local group committed to putting on events and raising money for this life saving charity. If you would like to join us and help it would be greatly appreciated. Please get in touch.
Contact: Barbara Hamlin
01458 252946
Our Twinning Association promotes Anglo-French understanding through friendship and travel. It has fostered a very special and lasting partnership with the people of Chevilly, near Orleans, France. We have a programme of events throughout the year, including wine-tasting, skittles, films and quizzes and encourage members to join in and bring their friends. Our members can join in a long-weekend visit to Chevilly on the alternate years. We have made many good friends in France and extra visits often take place on a private basis. You do not need to speak French. The Twinning Association has also been proud to make an active and on-going contribution to the teaching of French at the Curry Rivel Primary School. Membership is £15 for a couple and £7.50 for an individual.
more info >
Contact: David German
01458 259688
Curry Rivel's Wildlife Survey Group was launched in July 2016 and aims to monitor the health of our local natural environment. We have some amazing natural surroundings with sites of county, national and even international significance, which makes the village an interesting, stimulating and relaxing place in which to live. We would like to find our more about what's around us and map and monitor our findings whether they be owls, hedgehogs, crickets, bees, hedgerows or wild flowers. If you would like to get involved, please contact David German on the above number or Catherine Mowat & Matt Geen on 01458 250655.
Contact: Anne Geach
01458 253078
Our institute was started in 1922 and has been thriving since then. We meet on the second Thursday of the month (except August) at 10.00am in the Village Hall.
We have garden visits, pub lunches, a regular monthly walk, visits to local places of interest, skittles matches and other activities. We also help the local school by hearing readers as well as making Story Sacks to illustrate their favourite story books. Our Institute is part of the Somerset Federation and we also have close links with a number of other Institutes in the area. Members support a wide variety of events organised by both the county and other local WIs. Every member is also part of the National Federation of WIs, based in London, which campaigns on a wide range of topics on our behalf. Each month, members receive a free copy of the County News and eight times a year a copy of WI Life, produced by the National Federation, delivered by post.
Contact: John Birtles
01458 250322
Learn how to ballroom dance from a professional dancing teacher (a member of both the IDTA and UKA-PTD). Ballroom, Latin American and Sequence types taught with all age groups catered for. Lessons are given on Mondays to Fridays at agreed times for private individuals, couples and groups. Please call John for more information. Postcode: TA10 OQQ.
Contact: Simon Gambrill or Phil Higginson – details below
01823 698849
A friendly, family orientated village team always on the lookout for players young and old to join us. Matches are played at the cricket ground, Currymead Lane, Wiltown, Curry Rivel. 1st XI play Saturday afternoons.
Training is on Wednesday evenings for the Youth Teams 4:30-6:30pm (please contact the Youth Team Co-ordinators) and Seniors from 6:30pm (please contact Phil Higginson)
President: Colin Higginson: 07703 954787.
Chair: Rob Clark
1st X1 Captain: Phil Higginson, phil.higginson@1stfinancialgroup.co.uk, 07855354269
1st X1 Vice Captain:
Club Welfare Officers: Simon Gambrill, simon.gambrill@etexgroup.com 07890 319345 and Mark Tilley, marktilley74@googlemail.com, 07730 217061 Youth Cricket Co-ordinators: Under 11: Kevin Stevens, kevinmstevens11@gmail.com, 07794226149 -- Under 13: Steve Elliott, elliottsteve306@gmail,com, 07815121548 -- Under 15: Jeremy Acton, jezacton@btinternet.com, 07967725211
We are a friendly and professional dance school with fully qualified teachers, offering classes in Ballet, Modern Theatre, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Acrobatic Arts and Dance Fitness. We specialise in taking students through accredited exams and qualifications in dance. We also train dance teachers with the Royal Academy of Dance. Contact us to arrange a trial and start your child's dancing journey!
Contact: Andrew Jordan
01458 250725
The Health Walk scheme has been running in Curry Rivel since the beginning of 2016. We walk for about an hour, 2 – 3 miles, along quiet country lanes and across fields in the village. The walks are proving popular, providing an opportunity for people to walk for an hour and explore our surrounding countryside.
There are also Health Walk schemes in Langport and Somerton and a number of walkers join the different groups to walk in different areas.
The aim of the Health Walking scheme is to encourage
people back into regular exercise by introducing a gentle walking programme. Health Walks are ideally suited to people wishing to walk slightly farther than they currently do, or who simply wish to meet and walk with other people. The Walks are free, and are led by Andrew Jordan. Starting on the Green at 10.30am, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month.
Come prepared for the weather! Wear waterproofs, stout walking boots or shoes, warm clothes as necessary. Please don't bring dogs.
Contact: David German
01458 259688
The Langport Runners is a social running club that caters for all abilities and ages from eight to ancient. We meet three times a week – Mondays 6.00-7.00pm (juniors); Wednesdays 7.00-8.00pm (mainly adults); Sundays 8.00am (mainly adults). Also, on the first Sunday of every month we organise a free run for children (4-14 years) starting near Tesco. Distance 1km or 2km. Our clubhouse is at the Langport Rec. Sports and Social Club.
Contact: Chris Jessop
01458 251606
LCCC plays at the National Trust House of the same name. Our season runs from about April-October, depending on the gardener's advice. We only play Golf Croquet which is a more sociable form. Membership is £25.00 per year and we have mallets for new members to borrow. The lawn is reserved for our sole use on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, but we can play at all other times when the house is open, sometimes sharing the lawn with the visiting public. Croquet is great fun, our motto being "Fun with decorum". It is not strenuous and it is easy to pick up the technique. We have two "taster" days each year for the NT and are willing to arrange taster sessions for anyone interested.
Contact: Mo Masrour
07815 748518
If you would like to increase your body awareness by improving your posture, balance and body alignment, perhaps Pilates would be a great start. Specifically designed to increase flexibility, strength and control, Pilates will also develop long, lean and toned muscles without adding bulk. Pilates is a safe form of gentle exercise for people of all abilities, which relieves stress and tension as well as preventing supporting muscle and soft tissue injury. We meet on 3 days. Tuesdays: Long Sutton Village Hall 9.00-10.00am (Beginners), 10.00-11.00am (Improvers) & 11.15am-12.15pm (Intermediate). Wednesdays: Long Sutton Village Hall 9.00-10.00am (All levels). Thursdays: Long Sutton Village Hall 6.00-7.00pm (All levels). We welcome new participants of all ages and abilities. £9.00 per hour session, payable as a block of 6 sessions (£54.00) or pay-as-you-go at £13.00 per session. Private 1 to 1 sessions are also available.
Contact: Sarah Minty
01458 259525
07796 288596
Come along and enjoy a weekly class of muscle strengthening exercises, increase flexibility and relaxation. The classes are mixed ability and varied and most importantly, enjoyable!
We meet on Mondays: Neroche (at 10.00am); Tuesdays: Drayton (at 9.30am), Hatch Beauchamp (at 2.00pm) & Fivehead (at 6.30pm); Wednesdays: Burrowbridge (at 10.00am), Tacchi-Morris Arts Centre, Taunton (at 6.15pm); and Thursdays: Fivehead (at 10.00am), Burrowbridge (at11.45am) & Langport (6.30pm). Classes are £5.00 per session and can be "pay-as-you- go", depending on spaces. I also offer one-to-one sessions (£25.00) at my studio in Burrowbridge. Please give me a ring/text or email to check locations and availability. Stretch your body and your mind!
Contact: Yana Goutsal
07747 608833
If one of your New year's resolutions was to get fitter and healthier- yoga may be what you are looking for to ease you into your new routine. Starting 10 January 2019 Pranayana's Get Yoga Fit course (can also be attended as individual classes at the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Bow Street, Langport) focus on improving core strength, flexibility and balance. Visit www.pranayanayoga.co.uk or like the Facebook page @PranayanaAshtanga for more information and regular updates and to find out about other classes and workshops. What to expect: this will be an energetic workout which will help burn calories and improve your flexibility. Each date will focus on target areas (shoulders & back, deep core muscles, hips & legs) and introduce strengthening, balancing and stretching poses, with different difficulty options for a range of strength and flexibility levels so that you can choose what feels right for you on that day. Bring own mat or use one of our spares (limited availability so book one ahead).
Contact: anitaandjim22@gmail.com
01460 929383
Ash Village Hall
Main Street
Ash, Martock
TA12 6PB
Scottish Country Dancing at Ash Village Hall, Main St, Ash, Martock TA12 6PB, Every Wednesday evening from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. All Welcome including beginners. £4.00 per evening or £3.00 if paying for a term in advance. We really look forward to welcoming you to our lovely group.
For more information please contact Anita on 01460 929383 or email anitaandjim22@gmail.com
contact: Marlene Gibbs
01458 251616
07851 835930
We meet on Tuesdays 19.00-21.00 and Thursdays 14.00-16.00 in the Village Hall where we have three mats for short mat bowls. Prospective new members will be made very welcome at either session. Please bring flat soft-soled shoes, such as trainers. No need to have your own woods – you can borrow these from the club .We don't belong to a league but instead play occasional friendly matches against other local clubs..
Contact: Paul Deacon
01458 251898
The Clangers skittles team plays in the Sedgemoor League. Teams comprise of eight men, minimum age 18. Games are played on Thursday evenings commencing at 8.30pm. Our season begins in September and runs through to the end of March. No previous skittles experience is necessary. If you are interested in joining us please contact Paul Deacon on the above number.
Our Club comprises a mixed group of friendly people who find enjoyment from the sport of lawn bowls, irrespective of ability. Activities range from simple roll ups, where coaching can be given, to internal competitions, friendly matches and league fixtures, as well as social events. Without commitment you are most welcome to attend our roll up sessions that take place on Tuesday evenings and Friday afternoons, where you can try the sport.
Contact: Peter Jones, Secretary
Contact: Kevin Loe
A brilliant way of getting some light physical exercise, improving mental agility and making friends. All welcome no matter what your ability level may be. We meet on Mondays 10.00-11.00am in the Village Hall. Cost: £2.00 per session. You do not need your own equipment as this will be provided. We look forward to seeing you.
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