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Curry Rivel in Bloom

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Curry Rivel in Bloom thanks all it's volunteers for the work they put in, watering and weeding and keeping the village looking wonderful.


(and yes, that was a big but)

  • Waterers are needed for the War Memorial on Wednesday and Thursday
  • Granny's Garden opposite also needs a water when hot
  • CRiB needs two volunteers to maintain the red Army Garden and another two for the blue RAF Garden

There must be villagers out there with family connections to the armed forces willing to take them on, surely.
And what about Royal British Legion members – would you like to help too?

  • CRiB also needs a volunteer to do the watering of the cattle trough at the Fivehead/Taunton end of Curry Rivel.

Laraine, CRiB's Acting Chair, says;

"I love our village and know how much people appreciate how it looks. Please help find more volunteers to maintain it.

"I am one volunteer – Acting Chair! I currently need a Secretary, a Gardener, a Cleaner & a Holiday!"

Could you take on any of these roles?

You can read more about Curry Rivel in Bloom, what it does and it's achievements on this website – just click a link below or browse the website for more.
Curry Rivel in Bloom 2022
Is it all change at CRiB
South West in Bloom Awards
What a Bloomin' Good Show
A Cry For Help!

If you think you would like to get involved in any way, please contact or

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