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Curry Rivel's Big Coronation Weekend

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Curry Rivel's Big Coronation Weekend

As King Charles III and his Queen Consort, Camilla, prepared for their big day, so too did a tireless team of volunteers in Curry Rivel.

Marquees to erect, cakes to bake, flags and bunting to festoon the village – someone had to do it and we should be grateful indeed to those who stepped up. Without them Curry Rivel would have been a sadder place over the Coronation Weekend.

So in no particular order, let's record our thanks to:

Curry Rivel Parish Council, St Andrew's Church, Curry Rivel Primary School, Curry Rivel PTA, Curry Rivel WI, Curry Rivel Art Club, Curry Rivel in Bloom, Curry Rivel News, Wizard Events, The Firehouse. And anyone else I've inadvertently missed.

If you missed the tales of the Coronation 1953, you can follow the links to each below.

And if you want to tell us about your experience of the Coronation 2023, feel free. Did you travel to London, camp out on The Mall? Did you wait in the rain for a glimpse of the – modern, comfortable – Diamond Jubilee Carriage and the return journey in the 260 year old Gold State Coach used by previous monarchs, including Elizabeth II at her Coronation? Or did you stay home – which of the Curry Rivel Coronation Weekend events did you attend? Or maybe you organised your own.

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