It's time to start planning for our next village Open Garden event which will be held on Sunday June 16th 2024. The same organisers as before have stepped up again, and are pleased to welcome a new Co -Ordinator, Debs Hockley. This very enjoyable day raises money for good causes in the village and last time raised almost £1,400. Wander around our beautiful village and enjoy several amazing gardens and a cream tea in one of many various venues.
There will be some open gardens from previous years but new ones are always welcome. It doesn't matter how big or small your garden is or how neat and tidy. Rewilding is a big thing now and more people are leaving lawns to turn to meadow. Opening your garden is very rewarding and you will meet lots of fellow gardeners and receive many compliments too!
If you would like to open your garden, offer to help organise, help on the day or just find out more, please get in touch with Debs on or phone 07789661288.
Remind yourself of some of the beautiful gardens on display last year – click this link, or see a few more photos here.
And what about those scarecrows!
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