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Curry Rivel, Drayton and Hambridge Food Bank

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cheque to food bank

We start once again with a Thank You!

This time to the Curry Rivel Flower Show, where Chair of the Curry Rivel, Hambridge & Drayton Food Bank, Steve Allinson, was presented with a cheque for £300 as a donation to the Food Bank by former Chair of the Flower Show committee, Ann Hembrow (pictured).

This will be hugely beneficial and serves as a reminder that, as well as donating grocery items, the Food Bank is also able to take donations either in cash (Wednesday a.m at St Andrew's Church) or, if you'd rather make a donation via your online banking, you can phone 01458 250997 or 07714 265384 for details of how you can contribute.

Items Most Needed – 17th August 2023

There are still items that need constant top up, and this weeks inventory reveals a shortage of the following:

  • Tins of hot dogs & curry
  • Tinned ham & Fray Bentos pies
  • Tomato ketchup
  • Instant noodles
  • Tins of sweetcorn
  • Blackcurrant squash
  • Toilet rolls & Kitchen roll
  • Bleach & multi purpose cleaner
  • Shampoo & hair conditioner
  • Shower gel & bubble bath

And of course your excess garden or allotment produce is a real treat. You can take fresh goods to St Andrew's Church on a Wednesday a.m. between 10.30 and 11.30. Non-perishable items can be left in boxes sited for that purpose at the following places:

  • St Andrews Church in Curry Rivel – in the North Chapel
  • in the porch at St Catherine's Church in Drayton
  • One Stop in Curry Rivel – just ask!
  • in the porch St James Church, Hambridge

Don't forget those bags! If you have any spare clean bags (maybe from a grocery delivery) please don't put them in your recycling, let the foodbank have them to re-use.

If you want to read more about the Curry Rivel Flower Show click the link HERE!

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