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Works at Westfield

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westfield track

Installation of Exercise track for Westfield

Curry Rivel Parish Council is pleased to announce that work on installing the exercise track around Westfield is expected to begin on 29th August. It will take 2-3 weeks to complete depending on the weather and ground conditions.

This track has been made possible by the award of three-quarters of the funding from Somerset Council via a 'Section 106' agreement with housing developers that was signed in 2009. The balance of funding for the track will be provided by Curry Rivel Parish Council, as planned for in the 2023-4 budget.

When the Parish Council consulted with the community about plans for Westfield, a perimeter track was one of the ideas that was most liked, so councillors are delighted to finally be able to deliver this.

The Parish Council asks that you abide by all safety cordons while the work is in progress and supervise children and dogs to prevent them entering the work zones. It would have been preferable to have done this work outside the school holidays, but it would have meant a delay to have turned down the timing that has been offered.

Councillors are looking forward to seeing you enjoy the new track.

(Will there be a grand opening ceremony? And who should cut the ribbon? Ed)

Other Westfield work

The play equipment is professionally inspected monthly, and a more detailed annual inspection has taken place recently. As a result, a few minor repairs are now scheduled for September and the matting in the play area will be serviced within a few months.

Following a tree safety inspection, it is regretted that the Ash tree on the mound in the play area is suffering from Ash die-back. There is presently no danger, but the tree must be felled, and this will also happen in September. Parish Council policy is to plant at least 3 trees for every one lost to damage or disease, so more trees for Westfield will be purchased to compensate for the loss of the Ash tree.

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