Well wouldn't you know – just as soon as one planning application crosses the bows of Curry Rivel Online we get wind of another! This time 23/01406/OUT – Land north of Old Gate House, Portway.
This might pass you by in the village proper, but situated as it is on the busy A378 at its junction with the Wick road (Portfield) it is still within the Parish of Curry Rivel and as such deserves the equal attention of our councillors. It is, CR Online is reliably informed, on the agenda to be discussed at the next PC meeting, along with the Wiltown application (23/01469/FUL).
There are already some interesting comments on the Somerset Planning Portal about the impact on the area of the additional vehicle movements a site of some 22 homes might bring – a site of 22 homes adjacent to a site – The Grange – where there is an outline application for redevelopment also for residential purposes (21/02785/OUT). It could be argued, however, that as a brownfield site redevelopment of The Grange in a sympathetic manner makes some sense.
You can check out all these applications on the Somerset Council website – you can search by location, postcode or by application reference.
And don't forget your invitation to meet the developers and/or their representatives at the Chatham Room in the Village Hall, Wednesday 28th June from 4.30 to 7.00 p.m. to find out more about the proposed development for which a full application has been submitted on land to the rear of Warwick House, Wiltown. More information here.
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