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Use of Land as Amenity Area

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Proposed Amenity Land, Langport Road

Remember the proposed residential development on land to the east of Linton House? You can view it by going to the South Somerset Planning search site and entering the reference number: 17/01063/OUT.

The proposal, for eight residential units, has been approved subject to completion of a Section 106 agreement which, amongst other things, includes the transfer of land coloured green and edged red on the plan to the Parish Council for use as amenity area.

The application now submitted and upon which your comments are invitedis in respect of the change of use of that land only, once it is transferred from the developer to the Parish Council. The land will be owned and managed by the Parish Council for use as public amenity area with a shared pedestrian and cycle route contained within. View it in more detail here or go to and search for reference number 23/00043/COU.

This application seeks to establish that the use of the land – coloured green and edged red – for amenity purposes will be approved by the Planning Dept before it is transferred. It is that Change of Use upon which your comments are invited, not the earlier application for residential development.

So have your say. Do you welcome this proposal? Will you use the amenity space? Does it satisfy a need within the village for public space? Is it user friendly, will it enhance our village?

Or not.

If not, why not? Make your feelings known.

The application is open for comments until 9th February, so you don't really have much time. You can comment online by following the link to the application and clicking the 'Comments' tab.

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