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Somerton and Frome By-Election

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The Candidates

They are (alphabetically):

  • Lorna Corke, Christian Peoples Alliance
  • Martin Dimery, Green Party
  • Sarah Dyke, Liberal Democrat Party
  • Bruce Evans, Reform UK
  • Neil Guild, Labour Party
  • Rosie Mitchell, Independent
  • Faye Purbrick, Conservative Party
  • Peter Richardson, UKIP

So what do we know about them?

Well, if you want to find out, Curry Rivel Online has compiled a list below with links to their websites/profile pages which you might want to take a look at before making up your mind which way to vote.

To watch a brief interview with each candidate use this BBC News link

Click on the candidate name for more information.

Lorna Corke – has lived in Somerset for over 30 years, served as a councillor for 4 years and volunteered in several capacities, mainly around children and young people.

Martin Dimery – has lived in Frome for more than 40 years and was elected last year to the first Unitary Somerset Council, where he is Leader of the Green Group.

Sarah Dyke – lives in the constituency and is from a Somerset farming family. She was Portfolio Holder for the Environment on South Somerset District Council and was elected to the new Somerset County Council in 2022.

Bruce Evans -has lived in the U.K. for fifteen years, born in South Africa, is married and has three children. Keen to help small businesses, cut tax burden, drive job creation. Wishes to serve the community and has common sense values.

Neil Guild – at the time of writing, Mr Guild's webpage ( was under construction, but we do know he stood at the last general election in Taunton Dean, which was taken by the Conservatives. Neil is a lifelong resident of Taunton and previously served in the Army with the Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment in Iraq. For the last five years he has worked in Somerset County Council's Highway Services.

Rosie Mitchell – this link is to Ms Mitchell's gofundme page; Rosie set this up to cover her £500 deposit, which she has now handsomely covered (a deposit is lost if a candidate achieves less than 5% of the vote). She says she is an 'Independent Socialist'. Make of that what you will!

Faye Purbrick – Ms Purbrick has been a Councillor in Somerset since 2017 and has been selected to contest this seat which has been safely Tory since 2015, with a majority of more than 19,000 at the last election. It is believed Faye's experience of facing the Liberal Democrats in a county where they won a council majority on a large swing in 2022 will serve her well.

Peter Richardson – (Retired) Squadron Leader Peter Richardson, is a military veteran and a Parish Councillor, chairing the Land and Properties Committee at Somerton Town Council.

If any of these candidates (or their campaign teams) read this website and would like to get in touch with to outline why this website's readership should vote for them, Curry Rivel Online is happy to post mini-manifestos. Keep it snappy!

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