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Somerset Levels on TV!

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heron at swell

There's plenty of wildlife in Somerset!

The Somerset Levels make the cut in the new David Attenborough series coming soon to a TV near you! Wild Isles visits Ham Wall (not Ham Hall as The Grauniad calls it, but we know what they mean).

You can read about it here

And we mustn't forget our own local RSPB site at Swell. Popped up there just a few weeks ago when the herons were fighting for pole position on the nests. I did my best, but shame to say the photos are all absolutely rubbish! Manged to find just one sitting quietly, waiting patiently I presume for a mate.

I'll go back once the chicks have hatched.

Bitterns have been passed over in this series – they have apparently had quite enough exposure on Springwatch recently. Which is disappointing. I haven't been lucky enough to see one, but have heard them at Shapwick – another reserve worth a visit, where you will also find the 'Sweet Track'!

But that's for another day.

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