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Remember Get SuSSed? Well now it's SEEN.

"Hello" says the team at SEEN "and welcome to all our readers, and the many new subscribers who have recently joined us. We hope you find SEEN a useful and informative read.

"In this month's edition we report on how global warming is set to break the key limit of 1.5C for the first time. A recycling result to celebrate, the defence work starting at the Blue Anchor coastal area, near Minehead, and the North Taunton Woolaway Project which has just completed its first two green homes. Plus local news, events, grants and more.

"Again, this month brings so much news to tell you about, so you'll find many articles have links to longer articles which go into more detail, so you can read more on the topics that particularly interest you. Don't forget you can get in touch if you have any ideas for our next edition. Details of how to contact us are at the foot of the newsletter.

We would love to hear from you."

And you can download Issue 2 – May 2023 and subscribe for updates – by clicking this  link.

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