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Somerset Environmental and Ecological News

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glastonbury tree

A message from the team at SEEN

Hello SEEN readers,

Somerset felt like the centre of the world at the end of June in the form of Glastonbury Festival. If you were lucky enough to be there, we hope you had an amazing time. Members of our team attended and were inspired by the strong and impactful climate themes and messaging presented around the festival.

We have our own important messages for you in this month's edition of SEEN. We are excited to confirm the launch of the Somerset Tree Strategy -- a ten-year plan to protect trees and woodland throughout the county, as part of the council's vision to create a greener, more sustainable Somerset. Read more about this in this month's edition.

Other highlights are new developments for the EV Charging Network, and how the Council and Environment Agency are working together to help endangered eels. Plus, Community news, events, and more.

You can download Issue 3 – June 2023 and subscribe for updates – by clicking this link.

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