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Somerset Council – Sorted!

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Waste a little time at Somerset Council's website where you'll find updates on all sorts of rubbish!

Taunton Recycling Site

The site has been closed since the beginning of October, due to a fire that broke out in the neighbouring Material Recovery Facility (MRF), where materials are sorted to be sent on to recycling re-processors.

Although the fire was not in the public area, the structure was too damaged to safely open the site. The cause of the fire is still unknown.

Last week specialist demolition crews begun to take down the facility. The site will be back open soon, keep an eye on social media or Somerset Council's website for details.

The site is expected to be busy for the first fortnight after it reopens, and if you have the space to safely store it, please continue to hold your waste for a couple of weeks.

Seasonal Waste Guidance

From trees to turkey – what to do with your festive leftovers. Yes, feels far too early to think about it but it's out there on the Somerset Council website for those of you slightly better at forward planning!
And you can click the image for a handy guide to Christmas collections.

Can you Fix It?

Well obviously the answer is "Yes, you can"!

Somerset's successful Fixy project has successfully applied for non-council funding that will allow it to continue for another three years.

The project, which encourages the repair and reuse of electricals, is a joint venture between Somerset Council and Resource Futures.

It has just been awarded funding by Material Focus and the aim is for the re-vamped initiative to engage more than 3,000 residents in its drive to reuse, repair and recycle their electrical items.

The Fixy van will travel around Somerset promoting Somerset's network of independent repair groups. It will also continue to take donations of smart tech for re-use through Donate IT. Since the project began, Fixy has collected almost four tonnes (or 1,659 items) of smart tech for reuse or recycling.

The team is hiring a Fixy project co-ordinator to help run the project. Resource Futures is looking for someone who can promote the sustainable consumption of electrical and electronic items and the merits of recycling, repair and reuse. Get more details HERE.

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