From January 2024, planning applications submitted for new developments in England will be required to achieve at least 10% Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG).
BNG is an approach to development, and/or land management, that aims to leave the natural environment in a measurably better state than it was beforehand. It's intended to deliver measurable improvements for biodiversity by creating or enhancing habitats in association with development.
Whilst the requirement to demonstrate and deliver at least 10% BNG and the core processes involved in doing so are set nationally, there are limited areas where the requirement can be tailored to local circumstances.
Somerset Council has produced a draft BNG Guidance Note for public consultation which provides technical guidance and advice on calculating and delivering BNG in a Somerset context. It aims to ensure a consistent and efficient approach aligned to local policy context, by making clear the requirements and processes in Somerset.
Views are sought on this Guidance Note and the proposed validation requirements from planning applicants, developers, planning agents, ecologists, landowners, land managers, land agents, site promoters, nature conservation bodies, other technical stakeholders and the general public.
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