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Somerset Bus Partnership – Could you Volunteer?

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Help Needed

Somerset Bus Partnership is a voluntary organisation formed some 2 years ago. It now has 150 bus champions and works with 125 Parish Councils across Somerset. It ensures the views of bus users are heard on what they need from bus services in our County, which means people can get to where they want to, when they want to, and the journey is reliable, comfortable and affordable. Key to the journey experience is easy access to bus information, improved bus stops and bus stations, and bus services that integrate with rail.

Somerset Bus Partnership is looking to expand its work over the next 12 months. However, it needs more resource to help do this.

Curry Rivel Online is informed that Curry Rivel is conspicuous by its absence on the list of parishes already involved!

A 45 minute zoom meeting is scheduled for 21st August at 19.00 hrs – Curry Rivel's representative is invited – but we don't have one!

Discussion topics includethe threat to our bus services and the new bus timetables to be introduced this Autumn.

September is Catch The Bus Month and with £2 fares still in place, now is the time to boost the usage of our buses, which remains the most effective way we can protect and enhance our bus services.

Can you spare an hour a month to help? Somerset Bus Partnership could do with some assistance with membership and administration. Or do you have a background in Planning, Traffic Management or Public Transport? Or have fundraising experience and could help with submitting fundraising plans?

If you can help please get in contact: or find out more on Facebook

And if you do volunteer via any of the links above, do let your Parish Council know – contact or 07534 318840.

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