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Somerset Aid for Ukraine Appeal

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Yes, this is really short notice

but Curry Rivel Online has just been made aware of an opportunity to help support a relief effort for the people affected by the destruction of the Kakhovskaya Dam.

Somerset Aid for Ukraine is opening up its storage depot in Bridgwater tomorrow (Sunday 11th) to accept donations – they are in need of:

  • Summer clothes – casual/robust
  • Footwear – again, stout
  • Toiletries
  • Long life foods (no glass containers)
  • Energy bars – not chocolate, it melts!
  • Instant food that can be eaten straight from the container (pot noodles etc)
  • Baby food
  • Pet food
  • Nappies
  • Incontinence pads
  • Sanitary wear
  • Antibacterial items – sprays, gels, wipes etc
  • Medicines – anti-diarrhoea, pain relief, cold relief
  • Activated charcoal tablets
  • Water purification tables
  • Rehydration salts

Boxes to pack these items in are also greatly appreciated

And money – you can go to their crowdfunder page here where there is an ongoing appeal for help.

You can find out more at the Somerset Aid for Ukraine Facebook page here

Take your donations to J24 Space Programme Bridgwater, Market Way, TA6 6FA between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Sunday 11th and watch out for further updates and ways to offer your help on the Facebook page.

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