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Show us your Trees!

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Do you know that Somerset Council has a 'tree strategy' which you can view here.

As part of that campaign, they are asking for photos of your trees which you can upload to their facebook page here.

In the meantime, wouldn't it be interesting to see what beautiful trees we have just around Curry Rivel. Take a photo of your favourite tree – whether in your garden; someone else's (if they don't mind); in the woods; along the road ... ... wherever you see a beautiful tree, why not share it! Send it to – tell us what it is if you know, and if you don't we'll ask if anyone does!

I'll start with mine. It is (luckily for me) in my garden. It's an Indian Bean Tree, or Catalpa (bignonioides) and, contrary to it's common name, it isn't from India. Native to North America, it is widely grown as an ornamental tree in the UK. In our garden it is always last to come into leaf – which is probably just as well since the huge leaves are quite susceptible to wind and we often find they've been ripped off in our windy garden.

The flowers though – they are beautiful – like bunches of tiny orchids hanging from the tree – out now, followed by their seeds which are encased in fruits that look like vanilla pods!

There are better trees for winter, the bean tree is a bit boring then, but right now, it is definitely at its best.

I also love the silver birch; oh, and the wedding cake tree; oh, and a cherry in spring; oh, and crab apple ... ... oh dear!

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