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 Curry Rivel – Above the Levels
Parish Council working online with the community

Shout out for Musicians ... ...

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  • Aspiring musicians – what do you do with your music? Upload to Bandcamp, YouTube, SoundCloud – or any of the other platforms where you can get your voice heard?
  • Wouldn't you like a chance to play a set at Curry Rivel's Big Coronation Picnic on Saturday 6th May at Westfield before a live audience.
  • Well here is your opportunity; we're looking for a mix of soloists and groups playing covers or your own new music.
  • Valuable practice for when you get that important big break!
  • Interested? email or

Parents, teachers, friends – if you know anyone who would enjoy performing at the Big Coronation Picnic please put them in touch with us. or

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