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Nourishing Community Food Conference

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Somerset Community Food is inviting representatives from local food projects to its community event next month. It should be an informative and interesting day and a chance to find out about other food projects across Somerset, as well as sharing information about what you do.

Of particular interest may be the workshops on funding and Food Resilience support and opportunities.

The event on Saturday 18th of November promises to be an uplifting day of talks, workshops and wonderful shared food. There will plenty of time to network with those involved in food, growing and community across Somerset.

With just over a month to go, the event plan is almost finalised, can be viewed here and includes:

  • Opening talk with Dr Martin Caraher, Professor Emeritus Food and Health Policy, University of London, will give the day some context
  • Spark Somerset — Somerset Food Resilience project headlines & workshop
  • Chop & chat with community chef Kean (Community Connect, Wells)
  • Garden craft workshop with Lara (School Beanz)
  • Funding workshop — Somerset Community Foundation & Spark Somerset
  • Growing year round & planning crops effectively — Jane (Plotgate CSA)
  • Ferments with farm & foraged food — Julia (Herbal Brue)

Somerset Community Food | Reg Charity no. 1107311,

Tel: 0300 365 0360
Visit the Food Projects Somerset map to find a growing project near you.
Find advice and information for food and growing projects on Somerset Community Food's Resources page.

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