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NHS Cancer Screening Survey

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Nationally and across Somerset, particularly in women, participation in the NHS cancer screening programmes (breast, cervical and bowel) is declining. Yet, we know that cancer screening saves lives as it helps to detect cancer or the risk of cancer earlier and improve the likelihood of successful treatment.

NHS Somerset's Commissioning Manager for Planned Care is, in collaboration with NHS England, doing a piece of work to understand why women in Somerset do or don't take part in the NHS cancer screening programmes. The first stage is an online survey which will help to inform more targeted engagement activities.

NHS England would like to hear from as many women as possible, so that your views and experiences can help to identify action that can be taken to improve participation in the NHS cancer screening programmes and any changes that may be required to ensure that these services are accessible to all.

If you feel comfortable in doing so, please complete this online survey, sharing your personal views and experiences of the NHS cancer screening programmes: this may be in person, on the telephone or via email.

To take part, access the survey HERE

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