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National Pothole Day

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A day dedicated to potholes?

National Pothole Day on January 15th is an observance that highlights the ever-growing problem of potholes on our roads. There is nothing more irritating than trying to avoid potholes while driving down the road. The only thing that could be worse would be driving in a heavy downpour while swerving to avoid them.

National Pothole Day was established to bring attention to the ever-increasing pothole menace on our highways.


Potholes are a constant nuisance for drivers everywhere, yet they've been around since the dawn of time, and the name has been in use for centuries.

Each day, it seems like a new pothole appears on the roads you frequently use, making your journey increasingly dangerous. Modern potholes are the result of excessive wear caused by rain and sun, as well as repetitive vehicle movement across the road. Hot-patch is frequently employed to repair it, but when the road swells and contracts due to the changing heat, this makeshift patch is often pushed out again during the next heavy downpour.

Another answer to the question "What did the Romans do for us?"

Potholes have been around for a while, and the name stems from the roads that were created during the Roman Empire. Pottery producers in the 1400s and 1500s in England took advantage of the ruts carved into roadways by wagon and coach wheels. They would dig further into these deep ruts to uncover clay deposits beneath in their search for a cost-effective source of raw materials for crafting clay pots. Teamsters who drove wagons and coaches across the roads were aware of who or what produced the holes, which is why they called them 'pot-holes.'

Aside from the harsh and fluctuating winter weather conditions causing havoc on the roads, drivers, too, play a part. Water causes cracks and potholes, as well as other issues that make traveling unpleasant, but we all contribute to the problem by driving our cars every day, even while lamenting the condition of the roads.

Roads really aren't permanent structures. Regular use and the weight of road traffic will damage them over time. As the roads we drive on age, they will deteriorate more and more, resulting in new potholes.


What weather conditions worsen potholes?

One of the most common causes of the infamous pothole is winter weather. This is because roads are made up of more than just asphalt on the top layer. There's also a large pile of rocks and soil underneath. Whenever it rains, the water can sometimes penetrate into the asphalt.

Is it possible to avoid potholes?

Usually, potholes can be avoided if preservation techniques are applied in time before significant damage occurs. The most crucial method of preventing potholes is to seal gaps in the asphalt.

How does rain cause potholes?

When there is heavy rainfall and thunderstorms, the water collects on the roads. When moisture penetrates the foundation beneath the asphalt, potholes begin to form. That layer will weaken and, ultimately, wear down as a result of this.

Report a pothole now; click the link here

And if you didn't already know – here are reports of a few local ones already noted on social media;

  • 'Please be careful when driving between the double bends on Drayton Lane, we have a very large pot hole which will damage your tyres. It has been reported!'
  • 'There's a huge pot hole between the railway bridge and the turning up to Eastover going towards Langport. Let alone the rest along that road! Go careful as likely to cause damage to your wheel closest the kerb. Reported via fix my street app.'
  • And driving towards Langport from Curry Rivel over the old railway bridge at Westover, just before turning into the trading estate there's another pothole on the kerbside.

I'm sure you can highlight many more – click the link to report them.

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