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Mudslinging in Curry Rivel!

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mud on road

Did you know that Section 148 of the Highways Act 1980 makes it an offence to deposit mud and other materials on the highway that would interrupt other users of the highway.

You can look it up at NFU Online, and NFU members can access the full briefing note via that website.

A motorist spotted the mess in the photo on Saturday morning, as did several others, and Ed can confirm that it was still there on Sunday morning! So the driver of that particular vehicle, who had been working in a field half way down Sandpits Hill, clearly wasn't aware of his or her obligations, or just couldn't care less! Which was it, I wonder.

The rain will no doubt have washed it away by now – or turned it into a treacherous slimy quagmire. Let's hope the former.

As a landowner, if you employ a contractor to work on your farm, you are not exonerated from all responsibility for your contractors actions.   South West Farmer  website has a bit of advice on this too.  

And  Farmers Weekly  also gets in on the act.  

There is enough advice available to ensure ignorance is not bliss if it comes to a prosecution, but let's hope we don't see another appalling mess like this on the A378 in Curry Rivel. 

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