Annual pay negotiations between Suez UK (Somerset Council's collections contractor) and the Unite union are ongoing and following a ballot, union members plan to take industrial action.
Industrial action could be called off as late as Tuesday 11 July 2023. If that happens collections would operate as normal.
If the strike goes ahead, there will be significant disruption to all collections. Somerset Council apologises for this and asks for your patience.
Collections of clinical waste, refuse, waste from communal properties and schools will be prioritised, but this is no guarantee they will be collected as scheduled.
Somerset Council does NOTplan to suspend garden waste collections but expect significant delays. A decision will be made about existing subscriptions when the full impact of strike action is known.
The best place for the latest updates on the strike and advice on how to manage when collections are missed is – just click the link.
Please visit frequently as this is likely to change often.
Please read the summary of advice and guidance below and in more detail on the webpage and share this information with friends, family and neighbours.
Please avoid contacting Somerset Council for further information beyond what is on the website. Its staff will be focussed in managing and limiting the disruption and will not be able to respond to individual queries.
It may not be convenient for all customers but where possible please consider the following:
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