NHS Somerset is running a public consultation to gather feedback about the future of acute hospital based stroke services in Somerset, from people living in Somerset and people who use Somerset hospitals. NHS Somerset is committed to understanding the needs of the local population. This is to ensure it can continue to deliver the best possible healthcare services in Somerset.
A 12-week public consultation on hospital based acute stroke services in Somerset launched on 30th January 2023 and will end on Monday 24th April 2023. NHS Somerset is hosting an online public event to present the proposal and invite engagement between members of the public and the team who are responsible for the proposal. Please join in to hear more about the proposal and take part in a public conversation.
For details on how to join the meeting online – telephone 01935 384 124 or email somicb.fitformyfuture@nhs.net
For more information on how you can take part in other ways visit somersetics.org.uk/stroke-events
Public consultation gives people the opportunity to provide their views before any decisions are taken. NHS Somerset wants to hear from you to understand what the potential benefits and impacts are to its proposals from a range of perspectives. Be part of the conversation – somersetics.org.uk/stroke
Meanwhile, let's take this opportunity to remind you how to spot, and what to do if you spot, symptoms of stroke. Advice thanks to the Stroke Association. Read more here
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