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Help build a Cycle Footpath

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building a wall on a cycle path

The Curry Rivel Active Travel Campaign is gathering momentum with additional research being carried out in Langport, Huish Episcopi and Drayton. Another landowner has agreed to allow a path across his land and we are currently negotiating over the route and terms. Our local school is looking at Active Travel as part of its Development Plan for 23/24 and beyond.. We are seeking to develop links with other projects that are more developed than ours and looking ahead we will most definitely require volunteers to help with the construction of the path

The Strawberry Line connecting Yatton to Shepton Mallett (and beyond) is a fine example of community led project providing a much needed walking and cycling path to connect communities.

It has been assisted over several years by council and other sources of funding and has relied on volunteer groups to help with the clearance, construction and maintenance. The project is currently managed between the Strawberry Line Society and Greenways and Cycle Routes who have organised volunteer work camps each year in order to carry out a specific build on a section of the route.

The organisers have invited anybody interested in contributing or wishing to learn new skills and make new friends to this year's workcamp in Shepton Mallett. This is an exciting opportunity and demonstrates locally what must be done to ensure our own cycle footpath project comes to fruition.

All being well, the eighth Greenways Workcamp in Shepton Mallet from Saturday 9 to Saturday 16 September – working days, with Sunday 17 September as our dismantling day. You can stipulate how much time you can devote whether a couple of hours or a couple of days its entirely voluntary.

The camp will again be based in a delightful grassy bottomed ex-quarry thanks to the continuing generosity of Gavin Mayall one of our local volunteers. (Rock farm, Windsor Hill Ln, Shepton Mallet BA4 4JE)

For more details click here

If you think you might be able to join us, or want to know more, do contact me

Caroline Levett

Company Secretary for Greenways and Cycleroutes

Tel 07514 568 386

E mail

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