Anyone who attended the Annual Assembly will have noted the update provided by Gigaclear on their progress on providing full fibre broadband to the village. For the remainder, here's the news!
Gigaclear tell us that the Curry Rivel build is split into 2 projects. Curry Rivel 01 and 02. The map attached shows the rough boundaries.
In Curry Rivel 01 Gigaclear has built to 88% of households that will become ready for service in the coming months. Residents will be notified once orders can be placed – eithervia emails and calls if you have registered or via leaflet if you have not already provided your details to Gigaclear.
Curry Rivel 02 will be built by a different contractor, and Gigaclear is still in the process of finalising this. They have promised that, once they have dates for work to resume they'll be back in touch.
If you wish to check on the status of your property, or to register interest go to
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