Spring is a time of new beginnings, and as the start of the nest building season begins, South Somerset District Council prepares to transition to the new Somerset Council from the start of April. Our Environment Team has met up with all the other Climate and Environment Officers across all the district and county councils as we get closer to becoming one team, uniting on delivering action on the climate and ecological emergency.
Also great to see environmental action happening at the Town and Parish Council level with Long Sutton running a successful community environment event sharing environmental actions and asking their community what actions and projects they want to see happening to act on the climate and ecological emergency — you can read about the success of this event in our newsletter by clicking the link here.
Which makes me wonder, how many other Town and Parish Councils across South Somerset have also recognised the Climate and Ecological Emergency creating their own action plans and community eco projects? Please ask your parish council if they have and let us know by popping details in an email to us at SSDCEnvironment@southsomerset.gov.uk
Best eco wishes from Sarah x
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