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Food Waste Action Week

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food waste action week

March 6th -12th is Food Waste Action Week

WRAP (the Waste and Resources Action Programme) is a climate action NGO working around the globe to tackle the causes of the climate crisis and give the planet a sustainable future. It was established in the UK in 2000 and now works in over 40 countries.

For the third year, WRAP is dedicating a week of action to shining a light on how simple behavioural changes can reduce food waste.

Somerset Waste Partnership is getting behind the campaign and you can read more hints and tips on reducing your waste on their website ( click here ), including sections on better buying, using leftovers, food labelling, storage and freezing and, finally, recycling food waste best practice.

And for even more suggestions, plus some leftover recipes try LoveFoodHateWaste.

Some foody facts:

Did you know that more than a quarter of the contents of the average Somerset refuse bin is food waste. Of that food waste:

  • Only 28% was food waste that genuinely could not be eaten (so eggshells, bones etc)
  • 36% could have been avoided.
  • 36% was thrown away still in its packaging

Nationally, 4.5million tonnes of avoidable food waste is thrown away
The average UK household could save £14 per week, or £728 per year, by reducing food waste.
Food waste that is recycled through kerbside collections stays in Somerset and is sent to an anaerobic digestion plant near Bridgwater. There it is turned into electricity for homes and businesses and nutrient-rich soil improver used on farms to help grow more food.

Now I think I can honestly say that food waste here at Editor Acres is absolutely in the genuinely inedible category. The human dustbin otherwise known as 'husband' lives in terror of the food police and there is never a scrap of anything vaguely edible disposed of – other than through his own in-built waste processing plant!

Can you say the same?

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