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Environment Agency – Update

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floods receding

Somerset flooding threat is no longer a major incident

The Environment Agency and the local authorities in Somerset have removed the major incident status declared last week as flood risk in the county has reduced.

A major incident was declared on 17 January as a precautionary move to coordinate partners as the threat of flood increased. With enhanced pumping and recent dry weather, water levels have reduced on the Somerset Levels and Moors and it has been decided by Avon and Somerset Local Resilience Forum that the precaution is no longer needed.

Jim Flory of the Environment Agency said:

"We have been seeing an improving picture in Somerset over the last few days, with enough water to fill more than23 million bathtubs a day being pumped back into rivers.

"Staff continue to work day and night to monitor and stage this major pumping operation as there is still lots of work to do and water to remove. We are gratefulto all involved, including our partners, for their help and support."

Cllr Bill Revans, Leader of Somerset County Council, said:

"The decision to stand up a major incident was not taken lightly, but it was the right move at that time toensure everyone was ready to take further actions to support our communities if needed.

"Thankfully, conditions have improved, and I am grateful to colleagues in the Environment Agency for their efforts to bring in additional pumps.

"We will continue to work closely with both partners and local people to monitor the situation and are well placed to react swiftly should the need arise."

The A361 between East Lyng and Burrowbridge is now mostly clear of flooding but remains closed this morning while sweeping and additional salting takes place. It is expected to open later today – please keep an eye on Travel Somerset on Twitter and Facebook for the very latest.

For the latest on other roads with flood gates on the Levels please visit Emergency road closure gates – Travel Somerset.

Environment Agency operations will continue in Somerset with Currymoor approximately 80% full.

Pumping activity is underway at Currymoor, Saltmoor, Northmoor, West Sedgemoor, Long Load, Westover, Huish Episcopi, and Midelney. In addition there are temporary pumps running at Elson's Clyce, Haymoor, Fordgate, Kitch Drove and Bridgwater docks. At Dunball, the pumps are operational and running on high tides.

While there is still a lot of water still on the Somerset Levels and Moors, and residents are reminded to:

  • Monitor their flood risk and sign up for flood warnings and create a flood plan so they know what action to take and are preparedto act. You can find links at
  • Do not drive through floodwater. It is the number one cause of death during flooding and puts yourself and rescue agencies injeopardy. Floodwater can contain hidden dangers such as uncovered manholes, obstacles or sewage – so never enter floodwater and be carefularound riverbanks and spillways. During this cold snap there is also the risk that floodwater could freeze, so we also remind people to never walk or play on or near ice.
  • Call Mindline – Somerset's emotional support and mental health helpline which is open 24/7 on 01823 276892 (local) and 0800138 1692 (freephone) if they are feeling anxiety, fear or worry about the situation, particularly for those who have been previouslyaffected by flooding. €

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