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Curry Rivel's Coronation Weekend

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"The Village and Parish has a proud history of celebrating previous coronations and jubilees, and steps are underway to similarly mark this May's Coronation Weekend" writes Marcus Hembrow, Chairman of the Parish Council in this month's Curry Rivel News.

"A working party has been assembled with a remit to provide a series of events that will bring together all ages and generations to celebrate as well as reminisce jubilees and coronations past.

"The details will include an enactment by the primary school in St Andrew's Parish Church on the Friday, followed by a Tea Party. On the Saturday a live big screen showing of the coronation in the village hall is a nod to the previous coronation when TV was in its infancy and a screen, with a TV projection of the broadcast, was rigged up by Arthur Mounter.

"In the afternoon a BYO picnic is being organised at Westfield with music and entertainment for all ages and on the Sunday morning a coronation themed Big Breakfast will be held in the village hall."

So here's another quick reminder for you – just a taster to whet your appetite – make sure you mark the dates in your diary. Watch out for a timed programme of events in the coming weeks, when you can make sure you log the times and venues of those events you will want to attend.

Places for the live screening will have to be limited, so if you want to join others in the village hall to watch the BBC coverage please make sure you book your free place by contacting

Where were you in 1953?

Talking of TV in its infancy, Curry Rivel Online wants to hear from you with your memories of the 1953 coronation. Did you watch Arthur Mounter's screening in the village hall? Where were you and what do you recall of the day? We have a few good tales already accompanied by photographs of the memorabilia and gifts children were given to mark the day, some of which are still cherished today! Send your thoughts and recollections to

I did ask a good friend for her memories, wondering if she'd watched with a big family group around a tiny screen in the village of Marple Bridge where she grew up. "Don't be daft" she replied, "We didn't have electricity!"

Hard to imagine isn't it.

Remembering the coronation – 1953
Save the date – your invitation

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