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Curry Rivel's Coronation Weekend

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Diaspora has featured on local radio, and holds monthly folk evenings at a Somerset pub, encouraging performances from young and old, often "jamming" with guests.

"The band," a spokesman said, "enjoys nothing more than an evening of good music, good company and good beer."

(What's not to like! Ed)

Diaspora will be joining the line up at Westfield for the Big Coronation Picnic.

Click here for your rundown of events over the weekend.

Dont forget – places for the live screening will have to be limited to Village Hall capacity, so if you want to join others to watch the BBC coverage please make sure you book your free place by contacting

You do not have to book into the Big Coronation Picnic – just get yourselves down to Westfield with or without your own picnic – licensed bar and hot food take away available on site. But if you do feel creative, why not try the Coronation Quiche recipe – here.

And we still want to hear your memories of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953 – send them to

Keep a look out on these pages for more news about the upcoming festivities!

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