We would like to invite you to add your business to the website business directory. This is a completely free service to local business, services, clubs, venues and seeks to encourage visitors to our site to make full use of the local services available to them.
You can see how a listing looks by visiting curryrivel.org.uk and selecting the drop down menu 'Local Info' where you will find categories Clubs and Groups, Services and Local Businesses. You can click here to go straight to the business section to see how your listing will look.
We are aware that some people run more than one business and of course you are welcome to make several separate listings if you wish.If you have any questions please contact editor@curryrivel.org.uk. If you already have a listing, please check that the information is still current. To update your listing email editor@curryrivel.org.uk.
CurryRivelOnline is powered by our active community.
Please send us your news and views.
Email: editor@curryrivel.org.uk