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Curry Rivel, Drayton and Hambridge Foodbank

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23rd february

Items most needed, week 23rd February 2023

Food Bank volunteers accept donations (fresh and non-perishable goods) every Wednesday between 10.30 and 11.30 at St Andrew's Church in Curry Rivel. They arrange parcels for distribution, deal with face to face queries, catalogue and date goods to ensure sell by/use by dates are adhered to and, whilst all this activity is underway, take stock of their shelves to try to ensure they have products available to satisfy the next weeks' demand.

It is a sad sign of our times that despite your continued generosity, the Food Bank finds itself struggling to meet the current call on its services.

It wont be a surprise for anyone to hear that right now need for help is escalating at a greater rate than ever and products are flying out faster than donations are coming in.

Much gratitude is due to the usual suspects, those upon which one can always rely to step up, but perhaps now is the time – if you have never donated to the Food Bank before – to help if you can. It's really quite simple.

You can;

  • take your donation (non perishable) to St Andrew's Church in Curry Rivel any day – the church is open during daylight hours – and leave it in the North Chapel, which is situated diagonally to the right of you as you enter through the main door
  • if your donation is of perishable/fresh produce please take it only between 10.30 and 11.30 a.m. on Wednesday so that volunteers on site can deal with it and distribute same day
  • take your donation (non perishable) to St Catherine's Church in Drayton where you will find a box in the porch specifically for the purpose.

This week's list is quite a long one and is obviously not exhaustive.

If you'd prefer to make a cash contribution, volunteers can take money or let you have the Food Bank account details so you can organise a direct transfer.

More information on how you can donate money is also available by calling 01458 250997 or 07714 265384

Fray Bentos pies
Tins of ham / corn beef
Baked beans
Tins of sweetcorn
Fruit juice
Jam (the foodbank can't accept home made, sorry)
Breakfast cereals (not porridge oats)
Washing up liquid
Multi purpose cleaner

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