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Curry Rivel, Drayton and Fivehead Branch

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The Curry Rivel, Drayton, & Fivehead Branch of the Royal British Legion

is delighted to launch this year's fantastic raffle.

Get your tickets for just £2 each at:

  • One Stop, Curry Rivel,
  • The Stable Coffee Shop Fivehead, or
  • Sue's Shop at Fivehead Service Station on the A378.

Fantastic prizes available – listed on the flyer – please support your local veterans and the Dunkirk House veterans care home.

Sale ends on SATURDAY 17TH JUNE when the winning tickets will be drawn at the RBL Summer Lunch (see poster for details).

The Royal British Legion is the country's largest Armed Forces charity.

It has been supporting Armed Forces personnel, veterans and their families since 1921.

It currently has 180,000 members, 110,000 volunteers and a network of partners and charities helping it offer support wherever and whenever it's needed.

NON-MEMBERS ARE MOST WELCOME to take part in both the raffle and the lunch.

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