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Abbey Close and Wiltown Developments

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Planning Applications for

  • Abbey Close/Drayton Lane
  • Warwick House, Wiltown

have been submitted to Somerset Council and will be on the agenda of the Parish Council meeting to be held on 18th October, 19.30 in the Village Hall.These two applications will make up the lion's share of the agenda.

Members of the public are invited to attend.

You can view the applications on the website by following the links;

23/02554/FUL – Land OS 7515 Drayton Lane Curry Rivel Langport Somerset for Abbey Close

23/01469/FUL – Land Rear Of Warwick House Wiltown Curry Rivel, Langport Somerset

Both applications are registered and comments are invited. You can make your comments on either or both of the applications by following the links and selecting 'comments'.

Your comments will be public.

Your Parish Council is also invited to comment, and by making your feelings known either in support or otherwise, your views should be considered. It has been indicated to Curry Rivel Online that the usual 15 minute allocation for public comments could be extended if appropriate.

So go along to the meeting and have your say!

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