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Flower Show

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The Annual Curry Rivel Flower Show This annual event will take place on Saturday 4th August 2018, in it's usual venue, the Village Hall.

Although called a 'Flower Show', it covered a variety of different classifications, including Vegetables – Flowers – Fruits – Flower Arranging – Home Made Cakes, Jams, Jellies, etc., a Men Only Section , Photography and Painting, together with a Children's Section.

Delicious Cream Teas and Cakes are supplied with much needed hot and cold beverages.

For more information on how you can get involved please contact Anne Hembrow 250311.

Photographs were kindly supplied by photographer Mike Mason, 252076,

FLOWER SHOW CUPS will be presented by the President Tim Schroder

'Neville Monk' Perpetual Cup – Vegetable Section, 'George Woodrow' Perpetual Plate – Flower Section, Orchid Cup, 'Mike Fussell' Perpetual Cup – Exhibitor with the highest points in the Fruit Section, 'Derek Annett's' Perpetual Cup – Exhibitor with the highest points in the Decorative Section, 'Pemberton' Perpetual Challenge Cup -Exhibitor with highest points in Home-made Cakes,etc. Section, Men Only Cup, 'Anne Hembrow' Perpetual Cup -Winning Exhibitor in the Painting Section, 'David Macey' Perpetual Cup – Overall Winner in the Children's Section aged up to 8 years old, Curry Rivel News Perpetual Cup – Photography Section, Sugar Icing Cup, Top Tray Winner, Top Vase Winner.

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