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Curry Rivel, Drayton & Hambridge Foodbank

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Heat or Eat?

No-one in our community reading this should be faced with that choice whilst the Curry Rivel, Hambridge and Drayton Food Bank is here to help.

The Food Bank operates out of St Andrews Church in Curry Rivel (Church Road, Curry Rivel, Langport TA10 0HQ) with volunteers on site each Wednesday between 10.30 & 11.30am.

Need help?

If you need help with food, either on a regular basis or just a 'one off' delivery the phone number to ring is:- 01458 250997 or 07714 265384

You will not need a referral, just make that initial phone call, answer a few questions about your family or yourself for e.g. your likes and dislikes, number of children and adults etc so the provisions can be tailored according to your need. The process is non-judgemental and is dealt with entirely in confidence – indeed, food can be delivered so you don't have to even come in to collect.

The Food Bank is petite and personal run by a small team of dedicated volunteers who will be sympathetic to your situation – they are there only to help and pride themselves on getting to know the families they support so they can better offer that assistance.

Want to help?

The Food Bank relies on donations of foodstuffs and money from the generous residents of Curry Rivel, Hambridge and Drayton, and for that generosity it is both grateful and thankful.

It is also supported by local businesses and organisations such as One Stop, Curry Rivel; Black Sheep Butchers in Langport; The Masons, Langport and The Allotment Association, Curry Rivel – which kindly donates surplus fresh fruit and veg, which is always welcomed by families.

It asks that these donations are delivered to St Andrews Church during the opening times (Wednesday 10.30-11.30) – especially fresh produce so it can be distributed on the same day.

As well as Wednesday mornings, if these opening times do not suit, for donations of non perishable items you can donate at:

  • St Andrews Church where you can leave donations any time the Church is open. You'll find a table inside the North Chapel at the front of the Church on the left hand side
  • there is also a box in the porch at St Catherine's Church, Drayton where you can leave non perishable goods at any time
  • donations can be made at the One Stop shop in Curry Rivel – they have a box – just ask
  • and at St James Church, Hambridge where you can leave non-perishable items in a box in the porch

Monetary donations can be taken by volunteers on site during the usual Wednesday morning opening hours. The Food Bank does have a bank account and if you'd prefer to donate remotely or anonymously or in a way that may be more convenient for you, banking details can be given out if you would like to set up a standing order to make regular donations. Just call one of the numbers above or ask at the Food Bank for details.

The Food Bank has a full team of good volunteers, no more needed at the moment. If more are required in future Curry Rivel Online is happy to put out the call on its behalf. Curry Rivel Online will also periodically publish a list of goods that are in short supply and ask that, if you plan to donate, you try to tailor your offer to suit. But of course every little helps.

Other ways to help

If you have a neighbour, friend or family member in the area who would benefit from knowing that help is available at the Food Bank, you could spread the word. But sometimes the hardest thing to do is ask for help, so maybe get in touch on either of the numbers above and leave it with a volunteer to try and offer friendly, and totally confidential, support.

The Food Bank is professionally run, well set up and ready to support those in need in this community. It has a stated aim that no-one in our local villages should be hungry or have to make the decision to 'Heat or Eat'.

Your generosity can help make that happen.

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