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Lockdown Thoughts from Maple Rd.

5th June 2020 @ 7:07am
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This was received today and is the first piece of work for the Curry Rivel Lockdown Diary. I am sure there must be many others among us who want to relate their experiences of lockdown so come on folks, get your thinking gear on and let's have your contributions.

No prizes – just being part of Curry Rivel history.

We have had such a wonderful experience living here in Curry Rivel and the lockdown endorsed our feelings for the village, so here is my contribution to your Lockdown Diary

To stay at home week after week
Has been an easy task,
For neighbours here in Maple Road
Have all been set to ask................
Is there anything you need?
Please tell us what to do.
We know you have to stay at home
We'll go and shop for you.
From newspapers, to getting meds,
Dear H, we have to log...
A thank you for your weekend walk
With M your short haired dog.
They've brought us cakes and biscuits too
These brighten up our day,
We even had some lovely folk
Who brought a "take away".
We booked a slot to bring the stores
With limes for G and T,
But when the truck delivered here,
The limes became KIWI.
Our friends all laughed upon our plight,
The packer had not known,
That kiwis fresh are good to eat,
For gin, they are not grown.
There came upon our door, a knock,
One bright and sunny day,
And there appeared upon the step,
Three limes, from P and J.
Not only that, our Maple friends,
Whose sympathy we gained,
Produced six more to help us through......
Our spirits high, remained.
To all our friends, and Maple Road,
We thank you for your care,
We can't wait 'til the great day comes,
To have a party there.

We are so lucky that we have not suffered as so many folk have.
We also appreciate that there are so many volunteers who have been
brought together by Steve Allinson .......a big thank you to them too.
MP (initials only)

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